Vol. 8 No. 1 (2017): Vol 8 No 1 (2017)
We offer our praise and gratitude to the presence of God Almighty because, thanks to His grace and guidance, the Global Atmosphere Monitoring Station (GAW) Bukit Kototabang data has once again published the MEGASAINS Bulletin.
In its publication, which has entered its 8th Volume in 2017, MEGASAINS Bulletin appears with a new face and presentation design. By making changes to the serving layout design, it is hoped that it will bring a different color from the previous edition. Changes to the layout were also introduced by utilizing a two-column display on each page.
Supported by the enthusiasm of all GAW Bukit Kototabang Station staff in their support for the continued publication of the MEGASAINS Bulletin, the Editorial Board certainly hopes that this KTI can encourage the creation of improvements in MKKuG services in the future. Apart from that, it is hoped that the emergence of awareness in carrying out research principles will support increased knowledge and performance in carrying out daily tasks.
There is no ivory that is not cracked, and so does this MEGASAINS Bulletin publication which is still far from perfect. Therefore, the Editorial Board really hopes for suggestions and constructive input to improve its publications in the future.