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Prayoga Ismail


Research on  the  influence of  El Niño and La Niña during 30 years is focused in Biak. Rainfall data (1981-2010) is based on Biak   Meteorological   Station   observation. ENSO  activity  and  its  teleconection  to  the variability   of   monthly   rainfall   has   been evaluated by analyzing the response of the monthly rainfall and ENSO-related activities through  the  comparison  of  normal  monthly rainfall and ENSO events composites. At the time of El Niño, Biak monthly rainfall tends to decrease until it reaches 42.55% which took place  in  October.  While,  La  Niña  tends  to leave positive impact on Biak monthly rainfall of   up   to   54.27%,   which   occurred   in September. The influence of El Niño and La Niña most to the seasonal rainfall occurs in the SON  or  transition  period  from  dry  to  rainy season.  Correlation  analysis  between  Biak monthly rainfall and Niño 3.4 index during the period   reveals   that   ENSO   activity   gives negative impact on Biak monthly rainfall with the highest correlation coefficient occurred in October,    reaching    -0.55.    This    number indicates that correlation is strong enough

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