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Natalia Eunike Ruwe2


The region withmonsoonal type has rainfall   peak   on   January.   However,   on January  2007,  monsoonal  type  region  has negative anomaly, it means that there is a decresing rainfall. Based on research of Taryono (2012), southerly surge activity influenced to the decreasing of rainfall of monsoon break phase at Java island. Therefore, this research was conducted to understand the relation between southerly surge activity to the decreasing of rainfall in January 2007, especially at East Nusa Tenggara.Southerly surge index was conducted by calculating the variance of daily average   meridional   wind   during   January 1980-2010, therefore found the surge indices 11,5 m/s. In January 2007 occurs 2 phenomena of shouterly surge on January, 3rd and 11th 2007. The result both of those days show that the decresing of rainfall in East Nusa  Tenggara  caused by southerly  surge activity which is replacing monsoon through Nortward, therefore causes the decreasing of rainfall in East Nusa Tenggara as the effects of the restrained of moist air from Northen hemispere and the coming of dry and cold air from Shoutern hemispere

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